Educational and Professional Background:
Keith Poynter is a Washington State Licensed Mental Health Counselor. He received a BA in Sociology from the University of Georgia in 1992 and a MA in Psychology with an emphasis in Wilderness Therapy from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado in 2005. Keith utilizes an eclectic therapeutic approach that emphasizes training received in Gestalt Therapy, Experiential Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Contemplative Psychology, and Wilderness Therapy.
In general, Keith embraces a therapeutic approach that incorporates mindfulness, acceptance, and working in the present moment to restore whole health. Utilizing these elements along with body-centered practices, Keith works to heighten a client’s personal awareness and encourage insight and clarity into existing problems. He is focused on providing therapy that is driven by the needs of the client and provides problem solving and stress reduction skills that they can enact immediately into their lives. Keith trusts in the client’s innate ability to know what it is that they require while working through difficult life situations. He encourages the client to move towards whole health and he does so in a direct, non-judgmental, and compassionate manner.
Keith specializes in serving adolescents and adults who are struggling with:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Alcohol and substance abuse
- Disruptive behavior in the school/home environment
- Poor peer and family relations
- Issues related to verbal, physical, emotional abuse
- Difficult life transitions related to adoption, divorce, and loss/injury of a family member.
In an effort to positively influence and move the entire family system towards improved communication, Keith consults with and counsels parents and family members.